My relationship with and experience of “G-O-D” is defined by my courage to live my questions, rather than defend my answers.
For instance, my favorite definition of “G-O-D” is an enigma in and unto itself. Often attributed to alchemical, mystical practices, it embodies both an ambiguous origin as well as a paradoxical meaning:
“…an intelligible sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.”
Simply put, in the context of fully grasping a concept as infinite as “G-O-D,” human language and understanding can only take us so far.
Logically speaking, “G-O-D” cannot be precisely and concisely defined. If we could, what then of faith and mystery? Wonder and curiosity?
Otherwise put, who are we to presuppose the manner in which “G-O-D” comes to visit?
From this perspective, regardless of one’s chosen faith, any religious and spiritual lens can deepen insight into the roots of human suffering and the means of healing .
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